Peer Review Process

The process of reviewing scientific papers received by the team can be explained into the following stages:

  1. The author sends the article to Jurnal Focus Teknik UPMI team via an online application.
  2. Pre-review of articles is carried out by the editorial team to see the suitability of the articles with the focus and scope of the journal and the style of the environment. The length of the pre-study is between 1-2 weeks.
  3. Approval from the edtior –in-chief of scientific works/articles for further review or rejection/rejection.
  4. Willingness of reviewers to review scientific works/articles, this is related to the expertise of each reviewer team.
  5. Substance review is carried out by at least 1 review partner (reviewer) in a single-blind manner. The length of time for review is between 2-4 weeks. If desired, the reviewer can request a re-review after the author has revised the article.
  6. The decision on whether the article is accepted for publication is the authority of the Chief Editor based on the recommendation of the reviewers.
  7. Scientific works / articles that have been decided to be accepted for publication in Jurnal Focus Teknik UPMI journal will then be communicated to the authors.
  8. Scientific works / articles that have been declared accepted and have been laid out will be published in the In Progress number in the next number before the regular number is published according to the schedule so that it can be indexed and cited immediately.
  9. Scientific works / articles published in Jurnal Focus Teknik UPMI are reviewed by Mitra Bestari (Reviewer) before being published. The decision to accept or not an article manuscript is made by the Chief Editor in the Editorial Council Session forum based on recommendations or comments from Reviewers.