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All journals are published by Universitas Pembinaan Masyarakat Indonesia and are free to access.
If you have any questions about our journals, please get in touch with us at admin@journal-upmi.com
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Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Indonesia UPMI -
Focus Ilmu Administrasi
FIAU (Focus Ilmu Administrasi UPMI ) adalah jurnal ilmiah untuk bidang Ilmu Administrasi yang diterbitkan oleh Unit Jurnal Penerbitan Universitas Pembinaan Masyarakat Indonesia. Jurnal Penelitian Administrasi memilki muatan berupa hasil hasil penelitian dan review dalam bidang kajian terpilih... -
Jurnal Focus Manajemen UPMI
Journal Description Jurnal Focus Manajemen UPMI is a scientific peer-reviewed journal published by LPPM Universitas Pembinaan Masyarakat Indonesia, Indonesia. Jurnal Focus Manajemen UPMI is intended provide a medium for dissemination of original and quality research on various topic... -
Focus Hukum UPMI
Jurnal Focus Hukum UPMI aims to be a dynamic platform that encourages and disseminates legal and human rights studies research. Jurnal Focus Hukum UPMI is published by LPPM Universitas Pembinaan Masyarakat Indonesia. This journal promotes research results and reviews of theoretical, empirical,... -
Jurnal Focus Teknik UPMI
FOCUS TEKNIK UPMI , is an electronic journal in the field of engineering managed by the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Pembinaan Masyarakat Indonesia. This journal is not limited to scientific publications produced by students and lecturers of Universitas Pembinaan Masyarakat Indonesia,... -
Jurnal Terapan Ilmu Pengetahuan
JURNAL TERAPAN ILMU PENGETAHUAN is a multidisciplinary journal published by Universitas Pembinaan Masyarakat Indonesia. It is published three times a year in January, May, October is a peer reviewed, open access, scientific and scholarly journal which publishes research papers, review... -
Business Strategy Management Journal
Business Strategy Management Journal